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Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Work and more work

This is from the Pinterest boards.  I could go on and on so this is quite appropriate for me.

That’s what my life consists of these days.  I get a day off about every five days or so.  I’m simply too tired to get on this computer much so I’m on here about every two weeks at the present time.  At least I’ll be able to pay the bill for my eye surgery quicker, or at least I hope so.

We finally have hit the sixties during the day.  I’m longing for the eighties so I can bake a while in the sun.  By this time of year, I’m chilled to the bone.  I know I’m going to be one of those old ladies who is wearing a sweater in the middle of July when it’s in the nineties outside.  But that’s a few years down the road, I hope.

Meanwhile, I’m over the flu and the pneumonia and trying to catch up on some sleep.  And also weeding out lots of email and enjoying a few laughs on the Pinterest boards.  I can waste a lot of time on there if I’m not careful.

All of us are still trying to get used to the new boss at work.  Things are moving in the right direction, I think.  I have to say she’s been pretty nice to me with all my issues lately.

I’ll be on here sooner next time, I hope.  Let’s all do a dance for spring.  I’m so ready for my tank tops and flip flops.  But I suppose I’ll be working more than I think and that means the penguin suit and closed-in non-slip shoes that give me athlete’s foot.  I guess there are worse things, but the only good thing about winter is that I can wear black to work instead of the dreaded white shirt, which isn’t my color at all.

Hope everyone is staying warm and well.

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